Listen to The Bulldozer Health Show with Host Wendy Love Edge who shares ideas with awesome guests about health & health freedom
Produced by @oxygenedge

In this link Wendy gives a shout out after receiving her hemp package.
Wendy "Love" Edge
Founder and Creator of Bulldozer Health Inc.
Wendy "Love" Edge graduated Magna Cum Laude from Boston University in 1987 and worked for 25 years as an occupational therapist. She treated many patients over the years in a variety of settings and worked as an area director for a major healthcare company. She has served as a volunteer health worker in Guatemala and Nicaragua for the nonprofit organization CHANGE in 1992 and 1994 respectively. In 1999 she opened a gift shop and operated it for three years. In 2009 she helped to set up a nonprofit organization, Guitars for Peace. She also assisted in the setup of the Worcester MA area RLC, a peer based organization for individuals with mental illness.
She became gravely ill in 2011 and was told she was going to die on three separate occasions. She was bulldozed on 16 medications. She took her health into her own hands in October of 2013. She is still working on her own health and dealing with the effects of pharmaceutical overload. Bulldozer Health Inc. is her brainchild. Through the organization and its volunteers, she wants to reach everyone, and urge them to take charge of their own health, and support them in that endeavor.
Read Wendy's story. click the link below to purchase Wendy"s book